Tue Jan 18 2022
Natalie Young
Community Education Officer
Parliament of South Australia
Natalie Young is an absolute creative bomb! Oranje has had the pleasure to work with Natalie for the last two years through her role as Community Education Officer at the Parliament of South Australia.
Starting with creating the campaign collateral for South Australia’s 125th anniversary of women having the right to vote – plus being able to run as a Member of Parliament – Oranje subsequently won the tender to re-brand the Parliament of South Australia‘s complete marketing collateral. Which hasn’t had a refresh for… wait for it… 25 years!
The Women’s Suffrage campaign is close to both Natalie and our hearts. VERY close. While researching the lives of each of the South Australian suffragettes for these projects, Melinda discovered that Mary Lee, (who formed the South Australian Women’s Suffrage League and was responsible for the 11,500 petition names which ultimately led to our right to vote!), lived the last years of her life in Melinda’s house!
As a fellow advocate for women’s rights, Natalie is a registered secondary Legal Studies, Civics & Citizenship and English teacher and an admitted solicitor. She worked in both civil litigation and corporate advisory before transitioning into education. Nat is particularly excited about finding innovative ways to present civics education, as well as encouraging people of all ages to engage with the democratic process.
Each project we work on with Natalie is creatively invigorating. Her energy and detailed knowledge of every facet of Parliament is unbelievable. She’s a walking, talking resource book.